Ideas Chat tells short stories that inspire and spark conversations.
The weekly mini-documentaries series shows people that know the change comesfrom within and dare to act upon / is about people who know that change comesfrom within and dare to make a difference.
It’s first episode aired in March 2017 and from there more than 80 episodes werepublished.
The series has three shows focused on change, courage and knowledge.
Ideas Chat Authentic is about courage. People who chose to give up the comfort of a steady life in order to pursue their dreams.
Despre… cu… is about knowledge. Experts in their areas share what they’ve learnedand help burn down misconceptions.
AM PLECAT is a show about change. People who left Romania at some point talk about what they found in their country of residence and what they would bring back in order to change things for better.
What all the series have in common is the passion that drives each one of thepeople in front and behind the camera.
In September 2018 IC!’s first season ended and the the next season is already in themaking.